
nautilus supports application checkpointing. This means that sampling runs can be interrupted and continued later. Checkpointing is an excellent way to guard against extensive data loss from interruptions and compute node failures. To use checkpointing, h5py must be installed. To enable checkpointing, specify a file path via the filepath keyword argument when initializing nautilus.Sampler().

import numpy as np
from nautilus import Prior, Sampler
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

prior = Prior()
for key in 'abc':

def likelihood(param_dict):
    x = [param_dict[key] for key in 'abc']
    return multivariate_normal.logpdf(x, mean=[0.4, 0.5, 0.6], cov=0.01)

sampler = Sampler(prior, likelihood, filepath='checkpoint.hdf5')

By default, nautilus will resume a previous run if it finds a file under this path. After a crash, one can call the same script again and continues where one left off. However, be careful not to initialize a sampler for one likelihood problem with the checkpoint of a different likelihood problem. Finally, to overwrite any file under that file path and ignore previous calculations, use resume=False.

sampler = Sampler(prior, likelihood, filepath='checkpoint.hdf5', resume=False)

When checkpointing is activated, nautilus will save the progress after each shell is filled during the exploration phase and after each batch in the sampling phase.